Submitting a complete application package helps to expedite the review of your application. When items or information are missing, this could delay issuance of your building permit, or even result in a rejected application.
All permit application forms are available on our website.
Please refer to the RMOW GIS map for property information including legal descriptions, PID, and zoning regulations.
Building Permit Application Plumbing Permit Application Acknowledgment of Owner or Owner’s Agent Owner’s Authorization of Agent Hazardous Materials Report
Building Permit Application
This form must be completed and signed by the owner or the owner’s authorized agent. Information to be provided includes:
- Current mailing address and contact information, including email address, for the registered owner;
- Current mailing address and contact information, including email address, for the authorized agent (if applicable);
- Current business name, mailing address, contact information including email address, and RMOW Business Licence number for the Designer or Architect (if applicable);
- Current business name and contact information including email address, and RMOW Business Licence number for each Registered Professional Engineer of Record (for each applicable discipline);
- Current business name, mailing address contact information including email address, and RMOW Business Licence number for the contractor;
NOTE: A Business Licence is required for all business’s performing work in Whistler. A contractor, designer/architect, or engineer that is based outside of Whistler, but is performing work in Whistler, is required to obtain a non-resident business licence.
Visit www.whistler.ca/businesslicences for more information.
Plumbing Permit Application
A plumbing permit must be obtained before constructing a new plumbing system or altering an existing one.
All plumbing permit applications must be accompanied by a fixture unit load count when new fixtures are proposed. A fixture load calculator can be found here.
The plumbing contractor must have a current RMOW business licence and a valid Canadian tradesman qualification number. Visit
Acknowledgement of Owner or Owners Agent
This form must be completed and signed by all registered owners on title (or signing officers if the owner is a company) or by the owner’s authorized agent if an agent is supervising the project (see “Owner’s Authorization of Agent” below).
Owner’s Authorization of Agent
This form is required only if the owner wishes to give the contractor, designer or other person authorization to act on his/her behalf. For example, if the owner wishes the designer to submit the application on his/her behalf and the contractor to pick up the building permit upon issuance, he/she must complete two ‘Owner’s Authorization of Agent’ forms (one each for the designer and contractor).
The form must be completed and signed by ALL registered owners on title (or signing officers if the owner is a company)
Hazardous Material Report
Hazardous Material Report forms and 3rd party test reports are required for all demolition and renovation permit applications for structures built prior to 1990.
Hazardous material means a hazardous substance, or material containing a hazardous substance, including asbestos-containing material, lead or any other heavy metal, or toxic, flammable or explosive material.
Determine if the structure in question was built prior to 1990, inspect the site, collect samples and test the material in accordance with WorkSafe BC – OHS Regulations 20.2.1(1) and (2).
Recent Title Search and Corporate Summary (if applicable)
A recent title search (within the last 30 days) must be provided with all applications. Using the legal description of the property, title searches can be obtained in person at the nearest Land Title and Survey Authority of BC (LTSA).
- New Westminster Office telephone number: 604 630-9630
- BC Government Agent’s office (Squamish) telephone number: 604-892-3221
If no title search is provided, a $21.00 surcharge will be added to the building permit fee, payable at the time of permit application.
If the property is owned by a corporation, a Corporate Summary is also required. This is an official document that lists the directors for the corporation.
If a Corporate Summary is required but not provided, a $21.00 surcharge will be added to the building permit fee, payable at the time of permit . Please note that if the company is registered outside of British Columbia, the summary must be provided by the applicant.
Applicable Covenants (upon request)
Covenants registered on title may be requested by the building department. If a covenant has been requested, a registered copy of the covenant must be provided.
To obtain a registered copy of a covenant, contact the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA). The LTSA recommends that a professional lawyer, notary public, land surveyor or independent registry agent to obtain this on behalf of the owner or applicant, as the LTSA cannot assist with this.
Along with the completed permit application package, 2 copies of all applicable permit plans are required. Plans are required to be professional quality, with legible details, all required information, and metric scale.
New Single Family or Duplex Plan Requirements
Review the RMOW New Single Family or Duplex Dwelling Plan Requirement Checklist to ensure the plans submitted with your application provide all required information.
An electronic copy of the architectural drawings is to be submitted via email to buildingdept@whistler.ca.
Renovation Permit Plan Requirements
To apply for a renovation permit, the following plans must be submitted:
- 2 copies of all applicable drawings (see “New Single Family House or Duplex Permit Plan Requirements” for applicable requirements).
- Written scope of work, detailing the proposed renovation
If the renovation includes any exterior changes, an electronic copy of the architectural drawings is to be submitted via email to buildingdept@whistler.ca.
Addition Permit Plan Requirements
To apply for an addition permit, the following plans must be submitted:
- Written scope of work detailing the proposed addition
- 2 copies of all applicable drawings, including Gross Floor Area Overlays
An electronic copy of the architectural drawings is to be submitted via email to buildingdept@whistler.ca.
Demolition Permit Plan Requirements
To apply for a demolition permit, the following plans must be submitted:
- Written scope of the proposed demolition works
- If a portion of the building is to be demolished 2 copies of all applicable drawings
If the demolition works include exterior portions of the building, an electronic copy of the architectural drawings is to be submitted via email to buildingdept@whistler.ca.
Revision Plan Requirements
To revise an active building permit, the following plans must be submitted:
- 2 copies of all revised drawings. All revised elements must be clearly indicated on the drawings.
- Revision Submital form, detailing all revised elements
If the revised elements include exterior changes that differ from the approved permit plans, an electronic copy of the architectural drawings is to be submitted via email to buildingdept@whistler.ca.
The following requirements must be met if the services of a registered professional engineer are required:
Letters of Assurance: 2018 BC Building Code Schedules B, and C-B
Schedule B must be submitted with the application for a building permit and Schedule C-B must be submitted before an Occupancy Permit is issued.
The Letters of Assurance schedules to the BC Building Code include Schedules B, and C-B, which are intended to identify the responsibilities of some key players in a construction project. Their use and application are as follows:
- Schedule B identifies the various registered professionals who acknowledge responsibility for certain portions of the design and that it substantially complies with the BC Building Code and other applicable enactments respecting safety except for construction safety aspects. They also provide a commitment to be responsible for the field review required for the project. NOTE: Registered professionals must also provide proof of liability insurance.
- Schedule C-B confirms that the necessary field reviews have been completed and the finished project substantially conforms to the registered professional’s design and the BC Building Code.
Certification of Plans
A structural engineer registered in British Columbia must seal the drawings to ensure the building will withstand the loads listed below. A schedule B shall accompany certified plans.
Climatic Data
Please reference BC Building Code Division B – Appendix C.
For detailed snow load information, refer to the RMOW Permits and Inspections Bulletin – Snow Loads for elevation based snow load data specific to Whistler
Seismic Data
Please reference BC Building Code Division B – Appendix C.
Field Reviews by the Engineer
The building inspector may require copies of the engineer’s field reviews. The engineer shall establish and certify, through design and appropriate field review, the adequacy of the soil bearing and structural elements.
The engineer’s specifications must be followed in detail, in conjunction with good building practices and the BC Building Code. The engineer of record must approve any changes and forward them in writing to the building inspector. The building inspector may require sealed drawings of the changes.
NOTE: If structural components or material are substituted with different components, the structural engineer must submit approval to the building inspector even if a component of apparently superior strength is being used. Framing may be rejected if written approval by the engineer has not been submitted.
A Schedule C-B must be submitted at the completion of the project.
BC Energy Step Code Pre-Construction Compliance Report
All new Part 9 residential buildings are required to meet the BC Energy Step Code. To confirm compliance with the BC Energy Step Code, applications for these projects must be accompanied by a BC Energy Step Code Pre-Construction Compliance report. Learn more here.
Home Warranty Insurance for New Homes or Substantial Reconstruction
The Homeowner Protection Act provides for the licensing of residential builders and makes third-party warranties mandatory on new home construction throughout the province. The licensing and warranty systems work together to ensure that builders meet minimum standards and consumers are protected with a strong, third-party warranty should a construction defect occur.
Please provide proof of Home Warranty Insurance registration as a licenced builder or an owner-builder, in the form of a New Home Registration Form. See Figure 5.3 Sample of New Home Registration Form, right.
The Homeowner Protection Act requires Home Warranty Insurance for:
- A new single family or duplex home.
- A new auxiliary building with a suite (also known as a detached dwelling unit, carriage home, laneway home, coach home).
- A home or duplex that is or is being substantially reconstructed.
- Renovations do not normally require New Home Registration, however it is required in the case where a project is deemed to be “Substantially reconstructed” as defined by the Homeowner Protection Act. Although each case must be examined on its own merits and the final determination made by BC Housing, a home that has been changed so that 25% or less of the original structure above foundation remains, or 75% or more of the reconstructed home is new, the home is deemed to be “substantially reconstructed” and is a new home for the purposes of the Act.
- If assistance is needed to determine whether a project meets the criteria of “substantially reconstructed,” email the Licensing and Consumer Services branch of BC Housing the project information at licensinginfo@bchousing.org or review the BC Housing Substantially reconstructed homes (No.6).
- Renovations do not normally require New Home Registration, however it is required in the case where a project is deemed to be “Substantially reconstructed” as defined by the Homeowner Protection Act. Although each case must be examined on its own merits and the final determination made by BC Housing, a home that has been changed so that 25% or less of the original structure above foundation remains, or 75% or more of the reconstructed home is new, the home is deemed to be “substantially reconstructed” and is a new home for the purposes of the Act.
For more information, please call BC Housing Licensing & Consumer Services at 1-800-407-7757 or visit their website.
WorkSafe BC Notice of Project
A WorkSafe BC Notice of Project is required when:
- The value of construction is greater than $100,000,
- The project has been designed by a professional engineer, or
- Hazardous materials have been detected
Before starting work activity on projects where hazardous materials are present, owners, contractors, and/or employers are required by the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation to send WorkSafe BC written notice. This can be done online with a Notice of Project (NOP) form.
Type of project: Asbestos, lead or other similar exposure work activity
- Notice of project is required at least at least 48 hours prior to starting work.
Please refer to Work Safe BC OHS regulation 20.2.1(1).
The fees that may be charged on a Building Permit are outlined in Schedule B of Building and Plumbing Regulation Bylaw No. 1617
Building Permit Fees
Building Permit fees are calculated based on the value of construction declared by the owner of authorized agent on the application checklist.
Table 1 of Schedule B of Building and Plumbing Regulation Bylaw No. 1617 can be used to calculate a Building Permit fee based on the declared value of construction.
Additional fees that apply to Building Permits are also listed within the schedule.
Building Permit Application Fee
The plan processing fee is non-refundable and is due in whole or in part upon application for a building permit.
New Construction
To construct a new one, two or three family dwelling, the plan processing fee is:
- $459.96 for the first dwelling unit.
- $230.09 for each additional dwelling unit.
Other than New Construction
To construct other than a new one, two or three family dwelling, the plan processing fee is:
- 25% of the estimated building permit fee required as calculated according to Schedule B of Building and Plumbing Regulation Bylaw No. 1617 . For a copy of the building permit fee calculation handout, please contact the Building Department.
The minimum fee payable upon application for a building permit for any construction other than new construction is $80.90.
Highway Use, Clearing and Inspection Fee
A Highway Use, Clearing and Inspection Fee is charged on permits where excavation or construction works are being conducted within 10 meters of a municipal roadway, sewer, drain, water main or other municipal work.
After substantial completion of the project, and within 2 years of permit issuance, the applicant can apply for a refund of this fee. For more information, see Highway Use, Clearing and Inspection Fee Refund.
Works and Service Charges
In addition to Building Permit fees, Works and Service charges may be payable on the property. These fees are used for improvements to infrastructure, as development leads to an increase in the demand for water, sewer, transportation, recreation and employee housing. To review the amounts of these charges, and when these charges are payable, please refer to the following bylaws:
- RMOW Water Works and Services Charges Bylaw No. 1503
- RMOW Sewer Works and Services Charges Bylaw No. 1504
- RMOW Transportation Works and Services Charges Bylaw No. 1505
- RMOW Recreational Works and Services Charges Bylaw No. 1506
Payment methods
As of January 9, 2020, Building Department fees paid by credit card are subject to a 2.2 per cent Credit Card Convenience fee as per Credit Card Payment Service Fee Bylaw No. 2259, 2019.
Other acceptable methods of payment include debit card, cash, cheque, bank transfer or e-transfer.
For more information on paying by bank transfer or e-transfer, visit the Payment Options page.
Plumbing installations must comply with the BC Building Code. In addition, the following items are local requirements.
General Requirements
Minimum depth of bury for services shall be:
- Water 1.8 m
- Sanitary 1.2 m
All vent pipes shall terminate no further from the ridge of a roof than 1 metre or be fitted with a device intended to protect the vent pipe from snow loading which is acceptable to the building official.
The minimum diameter of every vent pipe shall be 75 mm from the point where the vent pipe exits the heated portion of the building and it shall terminate no less than 0.6 metres above any roof surface expected to accumulate snow.
Service hot water heaters shall not be installed in garages unless contained within a heated, insulated enclosure.
Where exterior hose connections are provided they shall be of the non-freeze type.
No water drainage or vent piping shall be installed within an exterior wall cavity, a ceiling cavity below an unheated area or within a floor system above an unheated area unless accepted by a building official.
Floor drains shall not be installed in garages in one, two and three family dwelling units unless accepted by a building official.
Notice to Owners Contractors Designers and Plumbers
Pursuant to Division C Part 2 Section 2.2 Administration of the 2012 BC Building Code, the RMOW Building Department requires the following information to be provided along with plumbing permit applications: Personnel Performing Plumbing Work (Div C – Part 2)
1) Personnel performing installation, alteration or repair on a plumbing system shall
a) possess a tradesman’s qualification certificate as a plumber
b) be an indentured apprentice supervised by a journeyman possessing a tradesman’s qualification certificate as a plumber, or
c) be the registered owner and occupant or intended occupant of the single family dwelling in which plumbing work will occur, provided evidence can be provided the owner can satisfactorily complete the work.
Additionally any plumbing contractor included on a permit application form must hold a valid RMOW Business Licence at the time of permit issuance.
2.2.2. Plumbing Drawings and Related Documents (Div C – Part 2)
All plumbing permit applications for new single family dwellings, duplexes and row houses, as well as renovations, repairs or alterations that include a change in the number and/or type of plumbing fixtures for existing structures, shall be accompanied by two (2) sets of Hydraulic Load Calculations executed in accordance with Division B – Part 2 Subsection 2.6.3. Size and Capacity of pipes. The hydraulic load summary shall include the total hydraulic load as well as the total hot load. Additionally, adequate information regarding relevant existing conditions (as applicable) must be provided in order to support the application with clear evidence of conformance with the 2018 BC Building Code.
If the owner is removing or depositing material in excess of 200 cubic meters, then a Removal and Deposit of Soil Permit is required as per RMOW Soil Removal and Deposit Bylaw No. 1332, 1998. To obtain a Removal and Deposit of Soil Permit Application, please visit the website.
For additional information, please contact engineers@whistler.ca or call 604-935-8192
If the owner is removing or depositing material in excess of 200 cubic meters, then a Removal and Deposit of Soil Permit is required as per RMOW Soil Removal and Deposit Bylaw No. 1332, 1998. To obtain a Removal and Deposit of Soil Permit Application, please visit the website.
For additional information, please contact engineers@whistler.ca or call 604-935-8192