Cross country skiing is a dynamic winter activity for all ages. There are plenty of opportunities to learn, regardless of your age.
Adult Cross Country Ski Lessons
Let the experts at Cross Country Connection teach you the skills required for Skate or Classic Skiing. It won’t take you long before you’re working on the skills required to be an intermediate skier. Rental/Lesson packages are available at discounted rates from Cross Country Connection. Participants must buy a Lost Lake Trail Pass. Book a lesson over the phone (604-905-0071) or email info@crosscountryconnection.ca.
Whistler Nordics
The Whistler Nordics Ski Club is a community-based group of cross country skiers of all ages and skills that help develop and promote the sport through racing programs, clinics, social events and the annual Whistler Loppet race.
Children and Youth Lessons
Three courses are offered through the Whistler Nordics Ski Club:
- the Bunnyrabbit Program (4-5 years), which introduces the concept of cross country skiing and develops fundamental movement skills
- the Jackrabbit Program (6-9 years), which builds on fundamental skills and encourages a lifelong interest in cross country skiing
- the Track Attack Program (10-12), which focusses on developing technique and racing skills
Biathlon Lessons
Whistler Nordics also runs biathlon lessons for children from 8-18 years old and adults who are novice or intermediate skiers.
Cross Country Connection