Pre-Authorized Payment for Property Taxes

Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Annual Tax Payment Application The Resort Municipality of Whistler can withdraw utility or property taxes monthly or annually from any Canadian bank account.

Register for one of the Resort Municipality of Whistler’s pre-authorized payment plans.

  1. Sign up to have current taxes withdrawn annually on or after the first working day of July (the property tax due date). Complete the Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Annual Tax Payment Application.
  2. Alternatively, after your current taxes are paid in full, sign up to make monthly pre-payments on next year’s taxes. Complete the Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Monthly Tax Payment Application
  3. Sign up to have the District Energy System payment withdrawn quarterly on the notice due date. Please complete the District Energy Quarterly Payment Application.
  4. Sign up to have current utilities withdrawn annually on or after the first working day of July (the property tax due date). Complete the Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Utility Payment Application.

To make the following changes to your Pre-Authorized Plan 

  • Change Bank Account Information
  • Change Monthly Withdrawal Amount
  • Add Annual Recalculation
  • Add Balance Withdraw
  • Cancel Payment Plan

Please complete the Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Change Form. Changes must be received 14 days prior to the next withdrawal date. Completed Applications can be emailed to: