Notice Of Board Of Variance Hearing

2521 Whistler Rd BOV00233

Monday, June 26, 2023

Notice is hereby given that the property owners at 2521 WHISTLER RD have submitted an application to the Board of Variance. The Board of Variance is an appeal body consisting of three members of the community appointed by Council.

The land that is the subject of the Board of Variance Hearing is legally described as: PID: 006-823-564 LOT 6 BLOCK C DISTRICT LOT 7165 PLAN 13162, as shown on the map attached to this notice (the “Subject Lands”). This notice has been provided to allow adjacent property owners and tenants an opportunity to review the proposed variance requests and advise the Municipality of any comments.

Time:               5:30 p.m., Monday, June 26, 2023
Location:         Live stream of meeting available via Zoom at:
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID:       686 4000 4839
Password:         598768
Join by telephone
Dial:     Canada: +1 647 374 4685 or +1 647 558 0588 or +1 778 907 2071

You may provide comments by attending the Board meeting where this application will be heard. The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, June 26, 2023 via live stream at the link above. At the meeting the Board will give the applicant and those property owners or tenants who deem themselves to be affected an opportunity to make representations.

The purpose of this application to the Board of Variance is to request variances to the applicable building setback and landscape stair setback regulations established in Whistler’s Zoning Bylaw, more specifically described as follows:

  1. Vary the north side setback from 3.0 metres to 1.5 metres for an auxiliary garage building meeting Part 5, section 4 of the Zoning Bylaw (maximum 5 metres in height).

    Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015, Part 5 General Regulations – Section 3 Auxiliary Buildings subsection (5) states: (5) Subject to section 4 an auxiliary building is permitted to be sited not less than 3 metres from a side or rear parcel line.
  2. Vary the permitted projection into the north side setback from 1.0 metre to 0.3 metres and into the front setback from 2.0 metres to 1.3 metres for landscape stairs less than 1 metre in height above adjacent finished ground.

    Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015, Part 5 General Regulations – Section 7 Projections into Required Setback Areas subsection (1) paragraph (d) states:

    (1) The following features are permitted in setback areas:

    (d) landscape features including planters, stairs, walkways, decks and decorative walls, but not including retaining walls, provided that no part of any such features is greater than 1 metre in height above any point of the level of finished ground, and that all such features are set back at least 1 metre from any side parcel line and at least 2 metres from front and rear parcel lines.

You may also provide your comments in writing to the Board of Variance Secretary at  by 4:30pm on Monday, June 26, 2023. Please note that written submissions will become part of the public record of the meeting. 

If you would like to review the complete application package or have questions pertaining to this application, contact the Planning Department of Municipal Hall during regular office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. inclusive (statutory holidays excluded) at 604-935-8170.