‘Let’s Move Whistler’ Active Transportation Plan Survey is now closed.
As part of the implementation of the Whistler Transportation Action Plan 2018-2028, the Transportation Advisory Group created an Active Transportation subcommittee to guide the development of an Active Transportation Plan for Whistler. An updated Active Transportation Strategy is expected to be presented to Council for consideration in 2024.
Active Transportation Engagement
Community engagement began in June with a survey to all Whistler high school students, and the Age-Friendly Whistler Community survey. A community-wide Active Transportation on-line survey was conducted with the aim to understand the barriers to using active transportation in Whistler and to seek community’s input on priority improvements to Whistler’s active transportation routes and facilities for the short, medium and long-term.
The Transportation Advisory Group (TAG) has created an Active Transportation sub-committee comprised of TAG members and citizens-at-large to inform and contribute to the process.
Whistler’s Transportation Action Plan 2018-2028
Improving active transportation is part of the medium-term goals in the Whistler Transportation Action Plan. For more information about Whistler’s long-term action plan and planning process, see whistler.ca/MovingWhistler.