Zero Waste Repair Café
Need something fixed? Bring your broken item to the Repair Café where our skilled volunteers will help you with the repair – for free!
Whether it’s missing buttons, a crooked stool, a broken photo frame or jewelry with a wacky clasp, bring it to the Repair Café! Skilled volunteers will help you through the repair.
Repair Cafés are a community initiative that promotes repair as an alternative to tossing things out. Residents can bring their broken items to fix them on the spot with the help of voluntary repairers.
This event is first-come, first-served! We will stop accepting new participants at 6:15 p.m. to allow our fixers to end on time!
A Repair Café is not a place to drop off your items to be fixed and picked up at a later time. We request that you stay on-site while your item is being repaired. Visit repaircafe.org to learn more!
This Repair Café is brought to you in partnership by the Resort Municipality of Whistler and the Association of Whistler Area Residents for the Environment (AWARE).
Seeking fixers:
We are still looking for fixers who can assist with repairing textiles, wooden items, and jewelry. Please contact Lauren at zerowastewhistler@whistler.ca to lend a hand.