Lamppost Banner Program

Whistler Village Banners Summer
Photo: Oisin McHugh

Through the Art Banner Program, artists create unique banners for the lampposts throughout Whistler Village, Creekside and Meadow Park. 

Summer and Winter series are displayed for two seasons and then offered to the public for purchase. Revenue from the banner sales contributes to future public art projects.

2024/2025 Summer Banner Series: Awarded.

Congratulations to Pri Saboia for her selected banner proposal titled “Here Comes The Sun”.

Pri’s designs will be featured on lampposts throughout Whistler for the 2024/2025 summer seasons.

This year we received a record-breaking 35 submissions, establishing it as our most competitive selection to date. 

Thank you again to all artists who submitted proposals.

For full details please view the closed Request for Proposal (RFP).

Past Competition Winners

Fall/Winter 2023-2024: Andrea Mueller “Local Wildlife”

Spring/Summer 2022-2023: Kate Zessel “Iconic Peaks”

Fall/Winter 2021-2022: Maxine Wolodko “Birds of Winter”

Spring/Summer 2020-2021: Brooke Allen “Explore More”

Funding for the lamppost banner program is covered by the Province of British Columbia’s Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) program, which invests in growing tourism.

The banner program has existed for almost 30 years. To see other past street banners, view the RMOW Street Banner Catalogue.


Resort Experience