Presentations and Delegations
In order to request a delegation or presentation at a Regular Council Meeting, please submit a cover letter addressed to the Corporate Officer to The letter should include the following:
- Your name or the name of the presenter
- Address and contact information
- Name of the organization you are representing, if applicable
- The date when you wish to attend
- Detailed synopsis of your subject
- Whether you intend to use a PowerPoint presentation
If you intend to use a PowerPoint presentation, please attach a PDF copy of your slides with your cover letter at the time of your request.
Requests must be received at least one month before your requested Council date.
Once received, submissions will be reviewed and considered. You will be contacted by the Council Coordinator if your presentation is to be scheduled for a future Council date. Please note that not all requests will be approved for this format but you will be informed of other opportunities to have your information brought to Council’s attention.
Each approved delegation is allotted five minutes to speak and present.
Public Comment and Question Period
There is a public comment and question period at the start of every Regular Council Meeting. Members of the public can address questions or comments to Council at this time. You will be asked for your full name and neighbourhood for the record beforehand.
Please indicate the specific topic or question to which you would like to speak. Agenda packages are available in advance. Please note that provincial legislation prohibits public hearings on some land use zoning amendment bylaws. Speakers cannot speak about topics where a public hearing is prohibited or where the municipality has opted not to hold a public hearing.
The link to the live stream is available at Council.Â
Public Hearings
Public hearings are required by the Local Government Act to allow public representations to Council regarding the municipality’s Official Community Plan, some zoning amendment bylaws and / or an early termination of a land use contract bylaw.
Provincial legislation prohibits public hearings on some land use zoning amendment bylaws or permits municipalities to choose not to hold a public hearing.
For all public hearings, each speaker must commence remarks by clearly stating your name and address.
Procedural rules for the conduct of the public hearings are set at the start of the public hearings. Council will consider your comments but will not be answering questions, or entering into a debate.
Your final opportunity to comment on the proposed Bylaw is during the public hearings, as Council is not permitted to receive further submissions once it has closed the public hearings. All submissions will form part of the public record.
For more information on the public hearings process visit public hearings.
For more details relating to public hearings, please see the rezoning review process.
Please see writing to Council for information on submitting written comments for a public hearing.
Public hearings will be held electronically via video conferencing. The link to the live stream is available at Council. Participants may join the meeting using a smart phone, a tablet, or a computer. Speakers or a headset and a microphone may be required. See the public hearings page for information on how to participate.
Legislative Services Department
4325 Blackcomb Way
Whistler, BC V8E 0X5