Building application tips and FAQs

Do I need a building permit to build a shed?

If the building is less than 10 m2 and does not create a hazard, a building permit may not be required. However, there are several BC Building Code and RMOW Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015 regulations that may apply:

Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015 Requirements

A shed is defined as an “auxiliary building” pursuant to RMOW Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015.

In Part 2, “interpretation” of RMOW Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015 “auxiliary building” means a building that is ancillary to subordinate and customarily incidental to the principal building containing the principal use on the same parcel.

A shed must conform to the regulations as outlined in each specific zone and in Part 5, “general regulations”, Section 3 “Auxiliary Buildings” of the RMOW Zoning and Parking Bylaw No. 303, 2015.

  • The property’s zoning must permit “auxiliary building” use.
  • Minimum setbacks (typically 3m from rear and side property lines, minimum front setback from a property line is noted in the applicable zone).
  • Maximum height (typically 5m unless noted in the applicable zone).
  • Gross floor area regulations are applicable.
  • Flood proofing regulations may be applicable.
  • Riparian Area regulations may be applicable.
  • Tree preservation Area regulations may be applicable.
  • A development permit may be required if the property is in a development permit area.

BC Building Code Requirements

A shed is defined as “building” pursuant to the BC Building Code and would require a Building Permit if any of the following apply:

  • The ‘building’ is 10 m2 in size or greater;
  • The ‘building’ creates a hazard.


Building Department