All Property Record Requests must be submitted online via
The estimated processing time for a Property Record Requests is currently at 10 business days.
Property Record Request
The Resort Municipality of Whistler may have records of building plans and associated permits for your property.
Records that may be available, and provided to, a registered owner or authorized agent:
- Building Plans
- Building permit
- Inspection report and deficiencies
- Occupancy certificate or file completion
Once a completed request is submitted, it may take up to 10 business days before we complete your request, depending on the volume of requests and staff workload.
If requesting a replacement site copy of your approved building permit, the drawings will be provided to you in paper copy. Please note that copies will be printed to the same size as the original set of plans.
Your RMOW-approved site copy plans are required to be onsite during any building inspections.
Before applying:
- Review the list of records that may be released
- Complete the Owners Authorization Form (if applicable)
Receiving files:
The Building Department uses Titan File to provide a secure link to the records being sent. You will need to sign in or create a free Titan File account to download files to your device for your records. For privacy and security, the access link expires in 30 days.
Having difficulties accessing your files? Please try a different browser such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Safari Version 9+. Titan file is a secure 3rd party system. If you cannot authenticate your access with your phone number or email, please contact Titan File support directly. The Building Department cannot reset Titan accounts for you.
Comfort letters
A comfort letter is a formal letter provided by municipal staff who prepare an overview of the property, based on municipal records. A comfort letter does not provide copies of the documents.
This information can include (but is not limited to):
- Any outstanding violations against the property
- A written record of permits and occupancy dates
- Confirmation of zoning
- Fire inspection dates (only for commercial/industrial properties)
- Any outstanding invoices against the property
A comfort letter can be requested by the registered owner or for legal purposes (by a lawyer, notary or other legal professional.)
Timeframe: A comfort letter can take up to eight weeks to process depending on the complexity of the request.
Fees: Are determined depending on the amount of staff time. Staff will process the request once payment has been received.
Owners can submit a request for comfort letter via email to
Active Building Permits in Whistler
Use the Active Building and Planning Permits tool to view active and pending permits in Whistler from June 1, 2016 to present.
Additional information
Requests for copies of information that is not provided through routine channels may require a formal Freedom Of Information (FOI) Request and should be directed to the office of the municipal clerk.