Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their input about the Phase 2 alternative development concepts and future vision for 4500 Northlands. A Phase 2 engagement summary was shared at Council on February 21, 2023.
Concept Review
Phase 2 was specifically designed to elicit feedback on alignment of the alternative development concepts with the guiding principles. Activities included an open house, online questionnaire, information booths, and information displays. As well, staff undertook an internal review, including technical review by municipal departments and Council-appointed committees.
Through the Phase 2 consultation period, staff asked for input to identify the preferred elements in the alternative development concepts, features and land uses that are missing and should be considered for inclusion, as well as community amenity and benefit priorities for development of the site. Results of the Phase 2 engagement process, including a detailed Phase 2 Engagement Summary, was shared at Council on February 21, 2023.

Key Directions for Preferred Rezoning Concept
Staff recommend the following key directions by guiding principles be used as the basis for development of a “preferred” rezoning development concept which is to be undertaken with further community engagement in Phase 3 of the rezoning process.
- Support the rezoning request for a change in the market accommodation component of the development from Hotel to Phase 1 covenanted residential and tourist accommodation use
- Support a range of targeted employee housing on site and pursue an increase in the amount of employee housing beyond that proposed in the Phase 2 development concept alternatives.
- As part of the Community Amenity Contribution potential, support further investigation of a “right-sized” destination indoor/outdoor recreation facility with tennis and pickleball that also serves as a social hub for the local community and visitors.
- Other potential uses and programming on site should complement the new neighbourhood development and not replicate the offerings of the adjacent Whistler Village.
- Explore a bold, innovative and forward-thinking design character that evolves Whistler’s sense of place, in a way that embodies the community’s values and respects Whistler’s mountain context, culture and heritage.
- The overall character should predominantly reflect the residential nature of the proposed development, as an inclusive, liveable neighbourhood, with complementary community uses, that is also welcome to visitors and passersby.
- Support the overall density of development with a diversity of building forms, types and heights, with further investigation of the scale of the tallest buildings and distribution of density across the site.
8. Explore the range of opportunities for market and employee-restricted housing on site, and develop a targeted mix and program that maximizes housing opportunities best-suited to the site location and context.
9, The Phase 3 Preferred development concept should continue to emphasize active transportation and prioritize walkability and cycling with enhanced connections to the Valley Trail, Whistler Village and surrounding natural areas.
10. The Phase 3 Preferred development concept should showcase and demonstrate design solutions that advance Whistler’s Climate Action Big Moves Strategy and Green Building Policy.
11. Site development should reflect and incorporate Whistler’s natural character preserving and enhancing existing and natural features of the site, integrating open space areas and being responsive to views and solar access.
Community Engagement
The Phase 2 engagement process included a one-month input period from June 13 to July 18, 2023, a community questionnaire, and an online community open house on June 13. In addition, information was available on whistler.ca, and via information posters at the Whistler Public Library and Meadow Park Sports Centre. Staff hosted virtual ‘lunch chats’ over four sperate lunch hours and attended an information booth at the Whistler Farmer’s Market in June to answer questions about the alternative development concepts and offer an opportunity for feedback.

Phase 2 Community Engagement Objective: Review and evaluate the alternative development concepts using the guiding principles.
Why it matters: The input collected on the alternative concepts influences the preferred development concept that will be brought forward for review in Phase 3, and will inform decisions made by Council, staff and the developer in the future.
How the community input was used: Feedback on the alternative development concepts was compiled and analyzed for key themes and ideas to develop a set of key directions that will inform the development of a preferred development concept.
Results: A considerable amount of input was collected through the Phase 2 engagement, and we thank everyone for their input. A detailed Phase 2 Engagement Summary outlines the results of all engagement activities.
What We Heard

Applicant Submission
Using the framework created during Phase 1, the applicant has submitted materials that outline their vision for development of the site and includes a site analysis, response to the guiding principles and key Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) policies, a rezoning rationale, and presents two high-level alternative site development concepts: “Northlands Village Green” and “The Boulevard.”
Phase 2 Engagement Materials