The Smart Tourism Committee is a Select Committee of Council
Each term, Council establishes priorities to steward the community towards this vision. For the 2022-2026 term, Council identified Smart Tourism as a priority. To help advance on this priority, a Smart Tourism Select Committee of Council (STC or Committee) is being introduced.
The primary aims of Committees of Council are to:
- focus on high-level policy and strategy;
- advance Council priorities;
- provide advice and recommendations to Council;
- help solve complex problems through collaboration;
- engage subject-matter experts; and
- collect community perspective.
The Committee acts in an advisory capacity by providing advice and recommendations to Council and staff on a current policy and strategic initiatives.
Smart Tourism is defined as a unified and collaborative approach to destination management. Destination management through the lens of Smart Tourism will ensure that Whistler’s community, environment, and culture continue to be enhanced and supported by tourism. In our exploration of Smart Tourism, we will be questioning what it is for Whistler to be a global leader. We will also be finding productive ways to challenge our community to consider how they can contribute to a sustainable and equitable future and shape a destination of which they are proud.
The Committee provides strategic advice to RMOW staff and Council. Guided by Whistler’s Community Vision, “Whistler: A place where our community thrives, nature is protected, and guests are inspired,” and OCP policies the Committee seeks to leverage:
- a collaborative process towards developing an aligned vision for the future of tourism in Whistler that achieves long-term economic resiliency;
- support the resort community to develop and evolve Whistler’s tourism product in line with the Smart Tourism vision and leading regenerative practices; and
- lead a collaborative approach to destination management in Whistler that builds sustainability and resiliency into our economy and community.
Specifically, the Committee supports and advises on the following:
- Identify, share and consider key current and anticipated tourism practices and economic trends to ensure a resilient tourism strategy that ensures/maintains our competitive advantage;
- Review and provide feedback on new strategies and policies as it pertains to Smart Tourism;
- Provide guidance for related resort-wide policy, initiatives and expenditures;
- Achieve alignment and collaboration with resort partners towards a shared vision of Smart Tourism;
- Plan and share resort-wide research, including indicator and target tracking related to Smart Tourism;
- Define roles and responsibilities of various agencies as it pertains to destination management and destination stewardship;
- Review and provide feedback on the development of the three-year Resort Development Strategy;
- Review and provide feedback on Festivals, Events and Animation strategic plan and vision; and
- Provide input and recommendations on the ongoing strategic use and prioritization of hotel tax revenues
- Provide input and recommendation on the ongoing use of parks and recreation infrastructure.
The STC will be guided by the 10 principles of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Sustainable Tourism.
The Committee includes 16 voting members as follows:
- Ralph Forsyth, Councilor and Chair
- Jack Crompton, Mayor
- Cathy Jewett, Councilor
- Ginny Cullen, RMOW Chief Administrative Officer
- Ted Battiston, RMOW General Manager of Corporate Services and Public Safety
- Barrett Fisher, Tourism Whistler, President
- Belinda Trembath, Whistler Blackcomb, Chief Operating Officer
- Louise Walker, Whistler Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director
- TBD, Squamish Líl̓wat Cultural Centre, Executive Director
- Saad Hasan, Hotel Association of Whistler Representative
- Eric Griffith, Restaurant Association of Whistler Representative
- Mo Douglas, Arts Whistler Representative
- Danielle Kristmanson, Member-at-Large
- Huw Jones, Member-at-Large
- Jayson Faulkner, Member-at-Large
- Sven Sandahl, Member-at-Large
The Committee also includes three non-voting members as follows:
- Julie Farr, RMOW Corporate Coordinator, Recording Secretary
- Martin Pardoe, RMOW Manager of Resort Parks Planning
- Richard Kemble, RMOW Economic Development Officer, Staff Liaison
Meeting schedule
To Be Determined
Meeting agendas and minutes
Date | Agenda | Meeting Minutes |
TBD | ||