The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) is committed to long-term planning that ensures Whistler’s continued success and fulfillment of the vision to be a place where our community thrives, nature is protected and guests are inspired.
Official Community Plan
The Official Community Plan (OCP) is the RMOW’s most important guiding document that sets long-term community direction. The OCP establishes policies that guide decisions on community planning and land use management for the RMOW over the next five to 10 years and beyond. The OCP also contains a renewed Community Vision for Whistler that articulates the high level aspirations for our resort community, describing what we collectively seek to achieve now and over Whistler’s long-term future.
Corporate Plan
The Corporate Plan, which is updated annually and includes both Financial Statements and the Annual Report, guides strategic decision-making within the organization over the coming years.
Community Monitoring
The community monitoring program tracks Whistler’s progress towards community goals to inform decision-making and ensure accountability. Progress is reported at least annually for areas measured.
Financial Plans and Reports
The municipality is committed to transparent financial operations, and develops a Five-Year Financial Plan through the annual municipal budget process and produces other quarterly and annual reports.
Climate Action Big Moves Strategy
Whistler’s Climate Action Big Moves Strategy focuses on six Big Moves that will have the biggest impact to reduce the community’s contribution to greenhouse gases & energy consumption. It builds on the work of the 2016 Community Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP) and supports the Official Community Plan (OCP).
Economic Partnership Initiative Report
The Economic Partnership Initiative Report summarizes key research and findings related to the planning of Whistler’s economic future, as well as provides concrete recommendations for collaboration for Whistler’s continued economic success.
Community Cultural Plan
Whistler’s Community Cultural Plan guides the RMOW’s pursuit of arts, culture and heritage opportunities. The plan was developed in 2012 and 2013 by the Whistler Arts Council on behalf of the RMOW.
Recreation and Leisure Master Plan
The Recreation and Leisure Master Plan provides guiding direction for Whistler’s municipal parks, trails, lakes and rivers, and recreation programs and facilities. The plan includes the first-ever complete inventory of Whistler’s recreational and leisure assets.
Learning and Education Report
The final report of the Learning and Education Task Force is a practical framework to help Council, the community and education providers fulfill the RMOW’s vision for developing post-secondary education in Whistler.
Whistler Balance Model Initiative
This initiative seeks to understand the changing trends in Whistler’s population – and study the capacity of services and amenities to support that population.
OUTSIDE VOICE – Designing the Future of Whistler’s Parks Together
Launched in fall 2018, OUTSIDE VOICE is a conversation with the community to develop a master plan for the future of Whistler’s parks.
Zero Waste Action Plan
Whistler’s Zero Waste Action Plan is currently in development and will replace the 2013 Zero Waste Strategy. The new Action Plan will update the strategies and actions from the 2013 plan, includes new strategies and actions, and is organized into material type and sector responsibility.