The Learning and Education Task Force Final Report identifies and evaluates economic development opportunities for Whistler within the field of learning and education.

Download the Learning and Education Task Force Final Report.
On September 3, 2013, Whistler Council received the Whistler Community Cultural Plan Final Report and directed staff to use the plan to guide the evaluation and pursuit of arts, culture, and heritage opportunities in Whistler.
The Learning and Education Task Force Final Report was developed in June 2013 following a year of investigation, research, community engagement and deliberations by the council-appointed Learning and Education Task Force.
The Learning and Education Task Force included:
- Six community members with a wide range of expertise in economic and community development; learning and education; business, tourism and resort planning; and campus development planning;
- Two council representatives and
- Three RMOW staff representatives.
The report identifies a wide of range of opportunities to consider in the areas of sports, executive education, the arts, employer/professional skills training, select programs –public institutions, and full campus.
The report includes 11 recommendations to build on Whistler’s key advantages and to consider as the framework for launching initiatives or evaluating proposals.
Some of the key recommendations include:
- Identify key priorities for the next three to five years
- Select approximately five initiatives to proactively pursue to create momentum and establish Whistler’s profile in the field of education
- Determine infrastructure availability in collaboration with community partners to accommodate educational initiatives,
- Develop partnerships
- Consider means of supporting new initiatives
The report also recommends ensuring strong partnerships, adequate funding, and due diligence when considering proposals.
Community Engagement
A Community Open House was held in April 2013