The Whistler Emergency Program offers emergency preparedness workshops for individuals, people with disabilities, neighbourhoods, schools and child-care facilities, businesses and organizations, and tourism operators.
All sessions are free-of-charge. Contact the Emergency Program to arrange a session.
Workshops for individuals
This one hour session gives participants information on how to prepare themselves, their family, and their pets for an emergency. Participants will learn more about the hazards that can affect Whistler, what to include in home and vehicle emergency kits, and how to develop an emergency plan so they know what actions to take in an emergency to stay safe. Participants will be provided with a card-stock copy of Emergency Management British Columbia’s Household Emergency Plan Guide, Household Emergency Plan Template, and Prepare Your Pets.
Workshops for individuals with disabilities
This 1.5 hour session reviews the same topics and materials as the Emergency Preparedness Workshop for Individuals but includes information on additional measures people with disabilities may need to take to prepare for their unique situation. Participants will be provided with a card-stock copy of Emergency Management British Columbia’s Household Emergency Plan Guide, Household Emergency Plan Template, Prepare Your Pets, and Resources for People with Disabilities.
Workshops for neighbourhoods
This session is designed for neighborhood groups to attend together. In this one hour session participants will learn how to connect with their neighbours and how to work together and support each other in an emergency. Participants will be provided with a card-stock copy of Emergency Management British Columbia’s In It Together: Neighborhood Preparedness Guide.
Workshops for schools and child care facilities
Being prepared and knowing what to do in an emergency is the greatest asset a school or child care facility has in facilitating the safety and well-bring of students and staff. This two hour session is designed for administrators and teachers and details what schools and child care facilities need to do to be prepared for emergencies in Whistler. The session also helps identify what support the school may require from the RMOW in an emergency and ensures that school and facility plans align with municipal emergency plans.
Workshop for hotels and tourism operators
Tourists are often not familiar with the local community and its potential hazards and emergency procedures. This means that hotels and tourism operators are a vital source of information and direction during emergency. This 1.5 hour session details the measures hotels and tourism operators can take to respond quickly in emergencies and outlines where they can get up-to-date information to share with and direct their employees and guests. Participants will be provided with a card-stock copy of Emergency Management British Columbia’s Guide for Tourism Operators.
Business continuity workshops for businesses and organizations
A business continuity plan helps ensure that your business or organization’s critical functions will be available to your customers and suppliers in the event of an emergency. This two hour session details the measures businesses and organizations can take to respond quickly to disruptive incidents and emergencies. The session includes information on creating an emergency plan and kit for your business to ensure your employees know what to do in an emergency to stay safe and provide emergency information to customers.
RMOW Emergency Program