Accessible parking

Handycap Packing Spots

There are a number of accessible parking stalls in the Whistler Village Day Lots in close proximity to the pedestrian exits along Blackcomb Way. Please pay for parking and follow parking lot regulations when using these spaces.

Accessible parking spaces include:

  • 5 spaces in Day Lot 1
  • 9 spaces in Day Lot 2
  • 10 spaces in Day Lot 3
  • 6 spaces in Day Lot 4
  • 3 spaces in Day Lot 5

There are also accessible parking spaces located throughout Whistler Village and at Village Marketplace, as marked on the RMOW Accessibility Map. Additionally, there is over-height accessible parking at Whistler Town Plaza. The maximum height is 12.2 feet / 3.7 metres and with elevator access to the Village Stroll. The parking garage can be accessed from Main Street beside the Whistler Public Library or from Blackcomb Way beside Millennium Place. For hourly, daily or overnight rates, contact Advanced Parking

Accessible parking permits

Out-of-province and out-of-country designated parking permits can be used in Resort Municipality of Whistler accessible parking spaces.

Visitors can bring permits issued from their home community. Parking permits issued by the officially recognized issuing agencies from any of the provinces and territories in Canada, countries of the European Union, and the U.S. can be used in British Columbia.

Temporary accessible parking permits can be purchased from Municipal Hall if forgotten or lost. The cost of the pass is $31 and valid for a maximum of three months. Any non-visual disability will require a doctor’s note. The passes can be purchased from Municipal Hall, 4325 Blackcomb Way, during office hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday excepting stat holidays.

Accessible Parking Permits for Persons with Disabilities are provided through a joint initiative between the RMOW and the Richmond Centre for Disability. Apply for an RMOW Accessible Parking Pass and find Visitor Permit Holder Information


Planning Department