Manage your parking account and pay for or dispute a parking ticket through the online Parking Payment System

Pay for Parking ticket
All parking fines and escalated amounts are scheduled in the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2174, 2018, as per the bylaw all citations are escalated after 14 days of ticket issue. Tickets are available online 24 hours after issuance.
Outstanding balances from unpaid citations may result in your vehicle being towed.
In person: Municipal Hall is open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding Statutory Holidays). Cash, cheque, credit card and debit are accepted, please reference your ticket number.
Over the phone: Financial Services at 604-932-5535 ext. 0, during regular business hours, Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding Statutory Holidays).
E-transfer: Interac e-Transfers can be sent and received at your convenience. Through your online banking, create a contact for the Resort Municipality of Whistler using as the email address to send the funds to. Make sure to put your ticket/violation number you are paying for in the message. Password set up not required as this is an auto deposit. If your bank requires a password set up please confirm your bank is set up for Auto Deposit here.
Interact e-Transfer is only available to send or receive funds in CAD from any financial institution enrolled with Interact e-Transfer within Canada. Contact your financial institution to learn more about e-Transfers.
Dispute a parking ticket
Parking ticket disputes must be completed within 14 days of the ticket date, or the option to dispute will no longer be available. Disputes must be completed in writing or email, phone disputes are not accepted.
All dispute decisions are emailed, unless an email address is not provided. Please monitor personal junk/spam folders to ensure dispute results are received.
Email: Please email and provide the following information:
- Full name
- Mailing Address
- Contact number
- Citation number
- Licence Plate
- Dispute reason
- Receipt or proof of purchase
Please allow up to 5 business days for a parking ticket review.
In person written dispute: Municipal Hall front desk during regular business hours, Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding Statutory Holidays).
Bylaw Adjudication System
For more information about our adjudications please click here
For additional assistance, please contact: