Learn more about free and discounted transit programs by clicking below.
November 12, 2024, Update: All bulk printed Highschool bus passes that have been delivered to the schools.
- If your child has not received their pass and you have filled out the on-line form, please send them to Whistler Municipal Hall (4325 Blackcomb Way) during business hours to pick up their pass. We most likely need to take their picture and can print their pass on the spot.
- If you have not filled out the on-line paperwork, you will need to come to Whistler Municipal Hall (4325 Blackcomb Way) during business hours with your child/student to fill out the parent/guardian permission form. The child/student’s picture will be taken and we will print out the complimentary pass on the spot.
The Resort Municipality of Whistler is continuing with the Whistler High School Transit Pass program for Grade 7 to 12 students attending Whistler secondary schools. BC Transit has introduced a new electronic fare system called Umo. Given some of the technology limitations with Umo, we are continuing with physical cards with student photos for the complimentary Highschool passes. This year, all students will be provided a new Umo Highschool Transit Pass. To reduce administration in future years we are piloting two-year passes for Grade 7, 9 and 11 students. The Grade 8, 10 and 12 passes will expire October 15, 2025. While the Grade 7, 9 and 11 passes will expire October 15, 2026.
The parent/guardian permission form for Grade 7-12 students is available online from August 27 to October 25, 2024. In-person registration will be open until June 30, 2024, at Whistler Municipal Hall (4325 Blackcomb Way) during business hours.
If you do not have access to a computer, you can access a paper parent/guardian permission form from the school administration office or Municipal Hall Customer Service desk (4325 Blackcomb Way) during business hours. We need to have the permission form signed before a bus pass can be issued to your child.
The Whistler High School Transit Pass program is funded by parking fees collected from Day Lots 1 to 5. The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) has offered Whistler secondary school students in Grades 8 through 12 complimentary access to the Whistler Transit System since January 2020 and added Grade 7 students to the program in 2023.
Terms of use
Our 6-month and 12-month bus passes are all Umo passes with pictures, and they are not transferable. The unique Whistler Transit System Highschool 12-month bus pass is similar to the existing 12-month concession pass. However, this complimentary pass will only be valid within Whistler. It is not valid on the Pemberton Commuter. The Pemberton-Valley Transit System no longer offers a top up with the new Umo passes. Should the student contravene the terms and conditions, their complimentary High School bus pass may be cancelled. View the Terms and Conditions. Lost passes will still be subject to a $25 reprint fee. Riding the bus with a photo of your pass is not good enough. You need to tap your pass on the bus so that we know how to adjust and expand the system into the future.
We hope that your family will take advantage of this unique Whistler program as well as the provincial Kids 12 and under ride free. Since September 2021, the Province has offered free transit to all children 12 and under anywhere in BC as part of the provincial ‘Get on Board Kids 12 and Under Ride Free’ program which replaced our Whistler Family Travel Program. If you would like some on-line BusReady training videos to watch with your kids, check out bctransit.com/BusReady.
We work with the administration at Whistler Secondary School, the Whistler Waldorf School and the SD48 on-line school to send letters with permission forms to parents by email through the school contact channels. Passes have been distributed to the students through the schools.
The main goals of the Whistler Highschool Transit Pass program are to:
1) Reduce “parent chauffeur” trips within Whistler, reducing highway congestion and GHG emissions
2) Improve affordability for families in Whistler
Whistler Residents not attending Whistler Secondary or Waldorf Schools:
If Whistler is your primary residence but your child does not attend the Waldorf School, the Whistler Secondary School or the Sea to Sky On-line school, your child may be eligible for Whistler Highschool Transit Pass. You can email transit@whistler.ca to check eligibility or ask at the Customer Service desk at Municipal Hall (4325 Blackcomb Way) during business hours (Monday – Friday 8am to 4:30pm excluding statutory holidays). For more information, download the permission form by clicking on the link below.
The Resort Municipality of Whistler, Whistler Blackcomb and the Chamber of Commerce have partnered to offer Whistler Experience® participants 6-month and 12-month Spirit Transit Passes as part of the 2017 Transportation Action Plan. With your valid 2023-24 Whistler Experience number, a 6-month Spirit Transit Pass is $220 and a 12-month Spirit Transit Pass is $410. That’s one and half months free with a 6-month pass or 25 per cent savings over buying monthly passes, and almost four months free with a 12-month pass or a 30 per cent savings over buying a monthly pass!
Note: 1-month Spirit Transit Pass, can be purchased at Whistler Public Library as well as Municipal Hall.
- To purchase a 1-month Spirit Transit Pass, please visit Whistler Public Library or Municipal Hall. To purchase 6-month or 12-month Spirit Transit Pass, come to the Customer Service desk at Municipal Hall between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. You must present your Whistler Experience® number to claim your discount when purchasing your Spirit Transit Pass.
- You are only allowed to purchase one Spirit Transit Pass product per Whistler Experience year.
- Please read the Terms and Conditions for the 6- and 12-month passes.
- For 2023/24, the prices are:
- 12-month Spirit Transit Pass: $410 (savings of $100 from regular price)
- 6-month Spirit Transit Pass: $220 (savings of $50 from regular price)
- 1-month Spirit Transit Pass: $25 (savings of $25 from regular price)
- For employers wishing to purchase passes directly for their staff, please contact Emma DalSanto at transit@whistler.ca.
As of Sept. 1, 2021, the Whistler Family Travel program is being replaced with a new provincial program where children 12 and under can ride BC Transit and TransLink services free of charge. This change makes it easier and more affordable for families in and around Whistler and Metro Vancouver.
Learn more about the Kids on Board program and BusReady.
Route 4, 5, and 8 Village Shuttle routes are always complimentary, sponsored by the Province of B.C.’s Resort Municipality Initiative.
Route 7: Staff Housing Complimentary Shuttle is free from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. in the winter only from November 18, 2023 through April 14, 2024. Dates are renewed annually. This program is sponsored by Whistler Blackcomb.
**Note: from Saturday, November 18 – Friday, December 8, 2023, the Route 7 Staff Housing Free Shuttle starts at 5 p.m.
The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) and BC Transit encourages everyone to make the safe and smart choice to ride transit on New Year’s Eve. Take advantage of free local transit on December 31, 2023 all day to end of service at 3:30 a.m. on January 1, 2024 courtesy of the RMOW.
From June 15 to Labour Day, catch any Whistler Transit System bus on summer weekends and statutory holidays (Canada Day, BC Day and Labour Day) for free in Whistler. All routes are free from the first bus at 5 a.m. on Saturdays through the last bus on the Sunday/holiday Monday transit day leaving the Village at 3:15 a.m. Check out the Summer Rider’s Guide for times.
As of 2023, the free summer weekend program has been expanded to include the May long weekend (May 18, 19 and 20, 2024), the Thanksgiving long weekend (October 12, 13, and 14, 2024) and Truth and Reconciliation Day, September 30.
And Kids 12 and under ride free everyday.
For bus directions to Whistler’s Parks, see whistler.ca/parkandplay